Corporate Strategies

Having an individual profile on LinkedIn is the first important step for professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners for building a network and showcasing your expertise. But do you have a company that deserves attention on the platform?

Creating a company page—where you can explain more about what your business does and showcase your goods and services—is a valuable tool for building long-term relationships with clients and referral partners, and is often where job seekers will go to find out more about your company. Posting on a company page also enables your employees to share company updates with their contacts, such as new hires, upcoming events, awards, new products or services offered, and glowing testimonials.

However, like all successful social media activities, it takes time to develop a solid presence and build a following on LinkedIn, so business owners and executives are smart to have dedicated staff members take on this important branding and marketing effort.

KML Consultants can train your staff to create your company page, and recommend strategies to build and maintain your corporate LinkedIn presence, and improve engagement with your posts. We’ll guide your team to ensure your status updates are on point and provide value to your target audience(s). We are available for project-based work around corporate LinkedIn strategies as well.

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