Introvert Posting on LinkedIn

July 31, 2020 in Blog

One of the most common LinkedIn usage questions I get is how and what content to post

While on LinkedIn you should post and comment on articles relevant to your background – an easy way to get started is writing about something you can relate to.

My first post was about pet peeves I had about emailing. Among more than 100 comments:

**Excessive email chains
**Re-read your email before sending it out
**Not everything needs to be URGENT
**Emails that were more like documents
**Cc’ing excessively
You will always be able to find a topic of interest related to something in your professional life or in job search which you can turn it into a post

Above all – don’t overthink this –

Some suggestions:
**A post seeking advice (e.g. interviewing tip, follow-up)
**How you’ll gear up for an uncertain fall season (balancing school and work or job search)
**Changes you’ve needed to make in your daily routines – asking others to add theirs
**Mention any networking events you’ll be attending and why you’ll be there